May 1, 2010

On taking risks,

There are so many different things (maybe the fact that there are too many things, is the problem) I'd like to do, I'd like to learn and I'd like to pursue. However, I am never the type to take risks to follow after what I truely love; I'd rather have stability.

I want to find something that would make me happy and freaked out and giggly, all at once. When I am just ACHING for a change in my life, maybe I should be willing to take risks and be more spontaneous.

The best way to predict future is to invent it -Alan Kay


  1. 그냥 덤벼. 질러. 미쳐야 미친다.( in order to reach, you have to reach! )

  2. ㅎㅎ 프리렌서 해볼까봐요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (굶어죽지 그러다가 ㅋ)
