May 17, 2010

After work,

Determined to study everyday of the week this week, i got off work right on time with my vocab list printed.

1. Abrogate : 폐지
2. Abuse of office : 직권남용. etc etc

So, I am almost thirty, already took SAT & GMAT sometime in my life
So can someone please remind me or explain to me why I am still memorizing vocabs???? Not only in english but now also in korean?
Agrrrrrrr just wanna sleep. What have I got myself into T.T

2 hours later,
As I was driving home, I was listening to This is the Story by Dick Gordon and tonight's program was titled A Place to Land — (clikc to find out more) Andy talks to Dick Gordon about why he decided to attend law school after being a pilot for 20 years.

So I asked earlier, "what have i got myself into...??"
Andy answered right back at me, "Education is never a waste"


  1. All what I am saying is's purely for intellectual interest. Really!!. purely for intellectual interest.!! 하하.

  2. 근데 GMAT이아니라 GRE아냐??

  3. @Keke 우린 intellectual interest, 그리고 명지언니 밀어주기? ㅋㅋ @HJ 그렇네 GRE네 쥐맷은 어서나온게야ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
