Jun 26, 2011

Have you checked out my new tumblr yet? ihongellie.tumblr.com

Jun 20, 2011

Is non-dairy creamer bad for you?

Last week I "invented" a revolutionary way of making a great cup of coffee which requires two BIG SCOOPS of non-dairy power creamer.
Someone please convince me it's killing me then I will stop making this drink.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I can't live without these two these days

Jun 14, 2011

I found diet coke when I turned 20
I found decaf coffee as I turned 30

no more caffeine after 6pm

Jun 13, 2011

Big star

Today, I saw a big star.
There was a big fat star next to my name on my June health insurance statement.

Ellie Hong *

* Rate Change : new age rate

You evil Anthem Blue Cross!
You just had to rub it in my face with that FAT star, huh?
Are you punishing me for getting old? $80 increase per month?
Are you implying that I'm more likely to be sick now that I'm turning thirrrrr...?
Answer me, Anthem!

Call 911, I'm having a panic attack!

NoOooOOooo! I can't be thiirrr... I can't even say it... (tears dropping)

Jun 12, 2011

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I was lost somewhere in Rio with some of my favorite people.
Best dream ever!

Jun 6, 2011

Monday Fever

"My brain starts melting when I think of all I have to catch up on at work. Maybe I'll just sit here and eat cheese puffs until I cry."

Jun 4, 2011

I believe in...

Is it the vitamins working? or is it just the placebo effect...?
Whatever it might be, Airborne works great for me as a cold buster!

Jun 1, 2011