Jun 20, 2011
Jun 14, 2011
Jun 13, 2011
Big star
Today, I saw a big star.
There was a big fat star next to my name on my June health insurance statement.
Ellie Hong *
* Rate Change : new age rate
You evil Anthem Blue Cross!
You just had to rub it in my face with that FAT star, huh?
Are you punishing me for getting old? $80 increase per month?
Are you implying that I'm more likely to be sick now that I'm turning thirrrrr...?
Answer me, Anthem!
Call 911, I'm having a panic attack!
NoOooOOooo! I can't be thiirrr... I can't even say it... (tears dropping)
There was a big fat star next to my name on my June health insurance statement.
Ellie Hong *
* Rate Change : new age rate
You evil Anthem Blue Cross!
You just had to rub it in my face with that FAT star, huh?
Are you punishing me for getting old? $80 increase per month?
Are you implying that I'm more likely to be sick now that I'm turning thirrrrr...?
Answer me, Anthem!
Call 911, I'm having a panic attack!
NoOooOOooo! I can't be thiirrr... I can't even say it... (tears dropping)
Jun 12, 2011
Jun 8, 2011
Jun 6, 2011
Monday Fever
"My brain starts melting when I think of all I have to catch up on at work. Maybe I'll just sit here and eat cheese puffs until I cry."
Jun 4, 2011
I believe in...
Is it the vitamins working? or is it just the placebo effect...?
Whatever it might be, Airborne works great for me as a cold buster!
Is it the vitamins working? or is it just the placebo effect...?
Whatever it might be, Airborne works great for me as a cold buster!
Jun 1, 2011
May 28, 2011
This week
1. Went to the gym only once but I've been eating healthy. Yes, healthy foods.... like salmon and broccoli!! (Well..... I DID also have some pancakes and soondae)
2. Besides my normal DUTY of work, I had to deal with whole bunch of designs this week such as...
a. our new brochure (Just found out it was printed half the size I had ordered... urrgghhhh. Reprint!)

c. designs for gifts which are to be handed out at PGA conference, E3, and LIMA
d. PGA Conference booth back pannel designs
e. Trophy design for our mentors... and the list goes on and on...
3. I (along with Dan and JM) organized 2011 Korean Americans in Hollywood Mentor Announcement Ceremony last wednesday. I guess everything went smoothly except for the million mosquito bites i got from the garden. Here are some photos from the event
4. I wore my glasses to work (for the first time in my life) and it was interesting to see people's reactions. "Oh, Ellie! (pause, pause) you look... really tired.... (be natural and walk away)"
5. I had to write a short report on 미국 식품관련 대표기업 및 유관기관. Out of all the endless reports (trust me you don't want to know what's on that list) I had write for the last two years, this one was the most random one...
6. It's been a tiring week but got to end my week by watching Bridesmaids. Kristen Wiig is just amazing.
7. Oh, and my phone froze twice this week. (It was literally dead for like ten minutes) I'm sooooo ready for the iphone 5!
2. Besides my normal DUTY of work, I had to deal with whole bunch of designs this week such as...
a. our new brochure (Just found out it was printed half the size I had ordered... urrgghhhh. Reprint!)
b. Backdrops for our mentor announcement ceremony. They almost left out the 's' from 'Korean Americans'

c. designs for gifts which are to be handed out at PGA conference, E3, and LIMA
d. PGA Conference booth back pannel designs
e. Trophy design for our mentors... and the list goes on and on...
3. I (along with Dan and JM) organized 2011 Korean Americans in Hollywood Mentor Announcement Ceremony last wednesday. I guess everything went smoothly except for the million mosquito bites i got from the garden. Here are some photos from the event
Before the ceremony
2010/2011 mentors
I think Jun is the most photogenic one of the group =)
After the ceremony
4. I wore my glasses to work (for the first time in my life) and it was interesting to see people's reactions. "Oh, Ellie! (pause, pause) you look... really tired.... (be natural and walk away)"
5. I had to write a short report on 미국 식품관련 대표기업 및 유관기관. Out of all the endless reports (trust me you don't want to know what's on that list) I had write for the last two years, this one was the most random one...
6. It's been a tiring week but got to end my week by watching Bridesmaids. Kristen Wiig is just amazing.
7. Oh, and my phone froze twice this week. (It was literally dead for like ten minutes) I'm sooooo ready for the iphone 5!
Very excited about the long weekend!
Too excited to fall asleep!!!!
May 26, 2011
May 23, 2011
Apocalypse Saturday
"토요일 새벽기도 나오는길에 제마음에 걱정이 있었습니다.
혹시라도 새벽기도 파킹장이 미어터지고 있지 않을까 싶어서...
감사하게도 새벽기도에 성도님들이 많이 나오시지는 않았더군요.
세상의 false teaching 에 아랑곳하지 않는 성도님들이 자랑스러웠습니다."
-오늘 설교말씀 중-
“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father... Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.... So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." (Matthew 24:36~44)
We will pray for you, Mr. Camping so that you will truely understand
혹시라도 새벽기도 파킹장이 미어터지고 있지 않을까 싶어서...
감사하게도 새벽기도에 성도님들이 많이 나오시지는 않았더군요.
세상의 false teaching 에 아랑곳하지 않는 성도님들이 자랑스러웠습니다."
-오늘 설교말씀 중-
“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father... Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.... So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." (Matthew 24:36~44)
We will pray for you, Mr. Camping so that you will truely understand
May 22, 2011
나는 가수다
요즘 주말이 되면 가장 기다려지는 프로그램 중 하나인 나는 가수다.
다들 임재범 노래가 대단하다고들 하는데...
당연히 대단한 가수이겠지만 어찌되었든 내 스타일은 아니다.
모두에게 스타일이 있는 것이니 이해를 부탁하며...)
다른 가수들에게도 어려운 존재여서인지
난 시청자의 입장인데도 살짝 불편하고 거부감마져 느껴진다.
아무튼 임재범이란 가수가 좋다 싫다를 말하기 위해 오늘 글을 쓰기 시작한건 아니다
오늘 임재범이 부른 "여러분" 이란 노래를 들으며
관중 한두사람씩 울음을 터뜨리기 시작했다.
나 : 아니 뭐가 슬퍼 이노래가
엄마 : 넌 여자애가 뭐이렇게 감성이 메마른거야
가사는 다음과 같다.
네가 만약 괴로울때면
내가 위로해줄게
네가 만약 서러울때면
내가 눈물이되리
어두운 밤 험한길 걸을때
내가 내가 내가 너의 등불이 되리
허전하고 쓸쓸할때
내가 너의 벗 되리라
나는 너의 영원한 형제여
나는 너의 친구여
나는 너의 영원한 노래여
나는 나는 나는 너의 기쁨이여
여기저기서 눈물을 흘리는 사람들을 보면서
사람들이란 얼마나 외로워하는 존재인가. 란 사실에 사뭇 놀라웠다.
개인적으로 알지도 못하는 한사람의
나는 너의 영원한 친구가 되어주겠다는
진심어린 노래한곡에
그렇게 많은 사람들이 눈물을 흘리다니...
예능프로를 보다 정말로도 쌩뚱맞게
영원히 당신의 친구가 되어주시는 분은 따로 있는데...
라면 안타까운 마음이 드는건
나의 영혼을 향한 오지랖. 이라 보면 되겠다. ㅎㅎ
암튼 난. 정엽이 좋더라
May 21, 2011
"It took me time to understand my waterlilies.
I had planted them for the pleasure of it;
I grew them without ever thinking of painting them."
"What I need most are flowers, always, always."
Claude Monet (1840-1926)
May 18, 2011
Sudden craving for some
Who in the world thought of making candy out of fish?!
Well technically not 'OUT OF' fish but you know what I'm
trying to say. It's actually really gross if you think
about it but so yummy.
May 17, 2011
I cannot live without
I've been using both of these products for about 7~8 years and now I absolutely can't live without them.
Although they did not make any dramatic changes to my skin, both leave my skin feel light, protected and ready for make up in the morning. I've tried many other daily moisturizers and sun blocks in between to explore but I always end up coming back to these ones. Highly recommended by ehong
Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer
Shiseido Anessa Milky Sunscreen SPF 32 (Town Use)
May 16, 2011
May 15, 2011
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
-Audrey Hepburn-
May 13, 2011
We want you back!
I got a "we want you back" e-mail from LA Fitness about a month ago. No initiation fee, no deposit, and $29.99 a month. (is that even a good deal?)
I finally signed up yesterday with much hesitation, only to realize I forgot my workout shoes.
So I said to myself, I will wake up early tomorrow morning and go to a Mat Pilates at 7:00am
And yes, you guessed it right, I barely made it to office by 9:00am still half asleep.
LA Fitness, here I come!
Woke up thinking today was Saturday,
then I realized it was only Friday.
then I realized it was only Friday.
'ONLY' Friday? Come on, what do you mean ONLY Friday?
It's freakin Friday!
TGIF Baby!
TGIF Baby!
May 10, 2011
Henri Cartier-Bresson
One of the most breathtaking exhibitions I've ever been to, 'Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century'
"To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It's a way of life." Henri Cartier-Bresson
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