My family always had 멍멍이s as I was growing up, my parents adore dogs, I think we once had 7 dogs and a "dog apartment" in our backyard when I was a kid.
When I recently changed my phone's background from a picture of my camera to Coco, it surprised some people since they didn't know I even had a dog; one person (Miae unni 에헤헴) even said "엘리는 개를 별로 안좋아하나봐" => I strongly DENY this fact, though many would disagree with me ha!
To prove my love for Coco, dedicating one WHOLE post on him LOL
in 2002, when he first came home

I have pictures of coco with Jihyun unni, Stephanie & HyoJung unni from Riverside but wasn't sure if they'd like it so ended up deleting those photos from this post. (may I have your permission? LOL)

he's a 할아버지 now ;)