Only second day into blogging, I feel too guilty to crash without writing a post, so here I am.
I am so exhausted from endless meetings I had to attend today (from LA downtown - Burbank - Beverly Hills - Santa Monica - LA downtown) and all the interpretation I had to do.
Especially when it comes to interpreting about money and numbers, I gotta be extra careful so our company doesn't end up investing 100 mil when we meant to invest only 1 mil. One of the good things about my job(let me assure you, there aren't that many) is that I get to meet interesting peope with amazing visions from all different types of Entertainment sectors.
My brain is too fried (literally) to go on into details about today's meetings (probably boring to most of you) but i'd like to end this post with few pictures with few of the cooool people I got to meet today.

Eric Brevig & Charlotte Huggins

Wesley Snipes and his wife doing the Korean style "I love you"
and finally, me (very tired looking) doing the 'shameful' V pose with Mr. Snipes